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Version: 1.13.0

Quick Start

1 Deploy and Start

1.1 Configuration Example

There're two components in the cluster: Master and Broker. Master and Broker can be deployed on the same server or different servers. In this example, we setup our cluster like this, and all services run on the same node. Zookeeper should be setup in your environment also.

RoleTCP PortTLS PortWeb PortComment
Master809981998080Meta data is stored in ZooKeeper /tubemq
Broker812381248081Message is stored at /stage/msg_data
Zookeeper2181Master metadata or Broker offset information are stored at /tubemq

1.2 Prerequisites

  • ZooKeeper Cluster

After you extract the package file, here's the folder structure.

├── bin
├── conf
├── lib
├── logs
└── resources

1.3 Configure Master

You can change configurations in conf/master.ini according to cluster information.

  • Master IP and Port
hostName=YOUR_SERVER_IP // replaced with your server IP
  • Access Authorization Token
confModAuthToken=abc                    // for configuring Web Resources\API etc
  • meta_zookeeper Cluster
[meta_zookeeper]                        // Masters in the same cluster must use the same zookeeper environment and have the same configuration
zkServerAddr=localhost:2181 // multi zookeeper addresses can separate with ","
  • meta_bdb Strategy(Optional) Note: Due to the LICENSE problem of Apache dependency packages, the packages released by TubeMQ from version 1.1.0 no longer contain BDB packages. If you need BDB to store metadata, you need to download by yourself. .jar package, otherwise a "java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:" error will be reported when the system is running.
repGroupName=tubemqGroup1 // The Master of the same cluster must use the same group name, and the group names of different clusters must be different
repNodeName=tubemqGroupNode1 // The master node names of the same cluster must be different names
repHelperHost=FIRST_MASTER_NODE_IP:9001 // helperHost is used for building HA master.
  • (Optional) Master High Availability In the example above, we run the services on a single node. However, in real production environment, you need to run multiple master services on different servers for high availability purpose. Here's the introduction of availability level.
HA LevelMaster NumberDescription
High3 mastersAfter any master crashed, the cluster meta data is still in read/write state and can accept new producers/consumers.
Medium2 mastersAfter one master crashed, the cluster meta data is in read only state. There's no affect on existing producers and consumers.
Minimum1 masterAfter the master crashed, there's no affect on existing producer and consumer.


  • Based on the need of Docker containerization, the [meta_zookeeper] or [meta_bdb] above 3 parameters in the master.ini file are all the default settings used, and the actual information of the Master node needs to be configured when used in actual networking.
  • The IP information of all master nodes should be mapped to the hostName in the hosts configuration file, such as " 192-168-0-1"
  • It is necessary to ensure the clock synchronization between all master nodes

1.4 Configure Broker

You can change configurations in conf/broker.ini according to cluster information.

  • Broker IP and Port
hostName=YOUR_SERVER_IP // replaced with your server IP
defEthName=eth1 // default network interface used to get localhost IP
  • Master Address
masterAddressList=MASTER_NODE_IP1:8099,MASTER_NODE_IP2:8099   // multi addresses can separate with ","
  • Metadata Path
  • ZooKeeper Cluster
[zookeeper]                             // Master and Broker in the same cluster must use the same zookeeper environment and have the same configuration
zkServerAddr=localhost:2181 // multi zookeeper addresses can separate with ","

1.5 Start Master

  • Please go to the bin folder and run this command to start the master service.
./ master start
  • You should be able to access http://your-master-ip:8080 to see the web GUI now.

1.5.1 Configure Broker Metadata

Before we start a broker service, we need to configure it on master web GUI first. Go to the Broker List page, click Add Single Broker, and input the new broker information. In this example, we only need to input broker IP and authToken:

  1. broker IP: broker server ip
  2. authToken: A token pre-configured in the conf/master.ini file. Please check the confModAuthToken field in your master.ini file.

Click the online link to activate the new added broker.

1.6 Start Broker

  • Please go to the bin folder and run this command to start the broker service
./ broker start
  • Refresh the GUI broker list page, you can see that the broker now is registered.

  • After the sub-state of the broker changed to idle, we can add topics to that broker.

2 Quick Start

3.1 Add Topic

  • 3.1.1 We can add or manage the cluster topics on the web GUI. To add a new topic, go to the topic list page and click the add new topic button

  • 3.1.2 Then select the brokers which you want to deploy the topics to.

  • 3.1.3 We can see the publish and subscribe state of the new added topic is still grey. We need to go to the broker list page to reload the broker configuration.

  • 3.1.4 When the broker sub-state changed to idle, go to the topic list page. We can see that the topic publish/subscribe state is active now.

  • 3.1.5 Now we can use the topic to send messages.

2.2 Run Example

Now we can use demo topic which created before to test our cluster.

2.2.1 Produce Messages

Please don't forget replace YOUR_MASTER_IP:port with your server ip and port, and start producer.

cd /INSTALL_PATH/apache-inlong-tubemq-server-[TUBEMQ-VERSION]-bin
./bin/ --master-servers YOUR_MASTER_IP1:port,YOUR_MASTER_IP2:port --topicName demo

From the log, we can see the message is sent out. Demo 1

2.2.2 Consume Messages

Please don't forget replace YOUR_MASTER_IP:port with your server ip and port, and start consumer.

cd /INSTALL_PATH/apache-inlong-tubemq-server-[TUBEMQ-VERSION]-bin
./bin/ --master-servers YOUR_MASTER_IP1:port,YOUR_MASTER_IP2:port --topicName demo --groupName test_consume

From the log, we can see the message received by the consumer. Demo 2

3 Deploy Manager

You can refer to InLong TubeMQ Manager

4 The End

Here, the compilation, deployment, system configuration, startup, production and consumption of TubeMQ have been completed. If you need to understand more in-depth content, please check the relevant content in "TubeMQ HTTP API" and make the corresponding configuration settings.