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Version: 1.13.0


Create real-time synchronization task

Create a task on the Dashboard or through the command line, and use Auto Push (autonomous push) as the data source type.

Import C++ SDK

The header files and libraries of the SDK need to be introduced into the project before using the SDK. Header files and libraries can be self-compiled from source, see SDK Compile&Use

Data report process

After import the SDK, you can report single or batch data by calling the send related interface of the SDK 。The overall process includes the following three steps:

Initialize SDK

SDK supports a process to create one SDK instance, which is multi-thread safe. It also supports a process to create multiple SDK instances. Each SDK instance is independent of each other and each SDK instance is also thread-safe

  • Create SDK instance object
InLongApi inlong_api
  • object instance initialization Configuration files are in json format, see [Config file description](#Appendix:Config File Description), initialize the SDK through the configuration file:
// Initialize the SDK, the parameter is the path name of the configuration file; a return value of zero indicates successful initialization
int32_t result = inlong_api.InitApi("/home/conf/config.json");

Call the send interface to report data

The SDK supports single (recommended) and batch sending, both of which are sent in asynchronous mode, and the data reporting interface is thread-safe. Before data reporting, the callback function can be set to perform callback processing when the data transmission fails. The callback function signature is as follows:

int32_t callBackFunc(const char* inlong_group_id, const char* inlong_stream_id, const char* msg, int32_t msg_len, const int64_t report_time, const char* client_ip);
  • Single data reporting interface
// Return value: zero means sending is successful, non-zero means failure, see SDKInvalidReuslt in tc_api.h for specific exception return value
int32_t CallBackFunc(const char* inlong_group_id, const char* inlong_stream_id,
const char* msg, int32_t msg_len,
const int64_t report_time,
const char* client_ip);

Close SDK

Call the close interface to close the SDK:

// A return value of zero means that the shutdown is successful, and subsequent data reporting cannot be performed
// max_waitms:The maximum number of milliseconds to wait before closing the SDK, waiting for the completion of the SDK internal data sending
int32_t CloseApi(int32_t max_waitms);


  • It is recommended to use the SDK as a resident service for data reporting to avoid frequent initialization and shutdown of the same process midway, as repeated initialization and shutdown will bring more overhead;
  • SDK sending is asynchronous, and a return value of 0 indicates that the data has been successfully stored in the SDK's internal buffer and is waiting for network sending. If inlong_group_id itself is misconfigured or the network is abnormal, it will also cause the data to fail to send, so it is recommended that the user set a callback when calling this interface, and execute the callback when the data fails to be sent after multiple retries.

Appendix:Config File Description

The configuration file format and important parameters are as follows:

"init-param": {
"inlong_group_ids": "b_inlong_group_test_01, b_inlong_group_test_02",
"manager_url": "",
"manager_update_interval": 2,
"manager_url_timeout": 5,
"msg_type": 7,
"max_proxy_num": 8,
"per_groupid_thread_nums": 1,
"dispatch_interval_zip": 8,
"dispatch_interval_send": 10,
"recv_buf_size": 10240000,
"send_buf_size": 10240000,
"enable_pack": true,
"pack_size": 409600,
"pack_timeout": 3000,
"ext_pack_size": 409600,
"enable_zip": true,
"min_zip_len": 512,
"tcp_detection_interval": 60000,
"tcp_idle_time": 600000,
"log_num": 10,
"log_size": 104857600,
"log_level": 3,
"log_path": "./",
"need_auth": false,
"auth_id": "****",
"auth_key": "****"
inlong_group_idsinlong_group_id listb_inlong_group_test_01, b_inlong_group_test_02
manager_urlmanager addresshttp://
manager_update_intervalrequest manager intervals2 minute
manager_url_timeoutrequest manager timeoutTimestamp
msg_typedata type7
max_proxy_nummaximum proxy data for a single instance8
per_groupid_thread_numsnumber of single inlong_group_id threads1
dispatch_interval_zipcompress data intervals8 ms
dispatch_interval_senddata distribution intervals10 ms
recv_buf_sizereceive buffer size10240000 Byte
send_buf_sizesend buffer size10240000 Byte
enable_packwhether to allow packagingtrue
pack_sizepack size409600 Byte
pack_timeoutpack interval3000 ms
ext_pack_sizemaximum size of a single message409600 Byte
enable_zipwhether to allow compressiontrue
min_zip_lenminimum compression size512 Byte
tcp_detection_intervaltcp detection intervals60000 ms
tcp_idle_timetcp idle time600000 ms
log_numNumber of log files10
log_sizesingle log file size104857600 Byte
log_levellog level3 .trace(4)>debug(3)>info(2)>warn(1)>error(0)
log_pathlog directory./
need_authwhether to enable authenticationfalse