Use the links below to download the Apache InLong from one of our mirrors.
1.11.0 release
Name | Version | Date | Downloads |
InLong Source Code | 1.11.0 | February. 26, 2024 | [SRC] [ASC] [SHA512] |
InLong Binary File | 1.11.0 | February. 26, 2024 | [BIN] [ASC] [SHA512] |
Connector Binary File For Flink v1.13 | 1.11.0 | February. 26, 2024 | [BIN] [ASC] [SHA512] |
Connector Binary File For Flink v1.15 | 1.11.0 | February. 26, 2024 | [BIN] [ASC] [SHA512] |
Release Integrity
You must verify the integrity of the downloaded files.
We provide OpenPGP signatures for every release file. This signature should be matched against the KEYS file which contains the OpenPGP keys of InLong's Release Managers.
We also provide SHA-512
checksums for every release file. After you download the file, you should calculate a checksum for your download, and make sure it is the same as ours.
Release Notes
ISSUE | Summary |
INLONG-9457 | [Improve][Agent] Add task and instance heartbeat audit |
INLONG-9481 | [Improve][Agent] Add unit test of reading with offset |
INLONG-9580 | [Improve][Agent] Add unit testing to taskmanager to test their ability to recover tasks from DB |
INLONG-9614 | [Improve][Agent] Change folder name |
INLONG-9467 | [Improve][Agent] Improve code exception detection to ensure task and instance state transitions |
INLONG-9454 | [Improve][Agent] Increase exit conditions to prevent dead loops |
INLONG-9556 | [Improve][Agent] Prevent thread freeze caused by deleting data sources when the backend cannot send out |
INLONG-9572 | [Improve][Agent] Set data time of message cache by sink data time |
INLONG-9548 | [Improve][Agent] Supports HTTPS and can determine whether to enable it through configuration |
INLONG-9600 | [Improve][Agent]Adjust the sinks directory for code consistency |
ISSUE | Summary |
INLONG-9627 | [Improve][Dashboard] Audit and transmission delay filtering query optimization |
INLONG-9543 | [Improve][Dashboard] Cls, Pulsar and es sink support saving sortTaskName and sortConsumerGroup |
INLONG-9610 | [Improve][Dashboard] Cluster creation type optimization |
INLONG-9495 | [Improve][Dashboard] Data synchronization basic information page optimization |
INLONG-9663 | [Improve][Dashboard] Data synchronization doris sink supports append Mode |
INLONG-9530 | [Improve][Dashboard] Dataproxy cluster nodes support adding the enabledOnline parameter |
INLONG-9505 | [Improve][Dashboard] Pulsar source parameter optimization |
INLONG-9516 | [Improve][Dashboard] Remove useless dependencies |
INLONG-8393 | [Improve][DataProxy] Optimize the HeartbeatManager class |
INLONG-9657 | [Feature][Dashboard] Support management of Doris data node |
INLONG-9439 | [Feature][Dashboard] Support module reconciliation function |
INLONG-9550 | [Feature][Dashboard] System operation and maintenance supports query and audit through Gorupid and Stream id |
INLONG-9489 | [Bug][Dashboard] Transform remove missing stream id |
ISSUE | Summary |
INLONG-9508 | [Feature][Manager] Add Iceberg field type mapping strategy to improve usability |
INLONG-9634 | [Feature][Manager] Auto assgin sort task and consumer group of standalone export |
INLONG-9056 | [Feature][Manager] Configuration change detection |
INLONG-9524 | [Feature][Manager] Manager client support migrate group tenant |
INLONG-9452 | [Improve][Manager] Add audit items for file agent |
INLONG-9484 | [Improve][Manager] Improve logic of sortstandalone sink auto-assigned cluster |
INLONG-9441 | [Improve][Manager] MySQL data source supports both full and incremental modes |
INLONG-8392 | [Improve][Manager] Optimize the HeartbeatMsg class |
INLONG-9586 | [Improve][Manager] Provide installation agent framework |
INLONG-9528 | [Improve][Manager] Support configuring the switch to enable dataproxy nodes |
INLONG-9591 | [Improve][Manager] Support printing thread status before submitting tasks |
INLONG-9523 | [Improve][Manager] Support querying all audit information based on IP address |
INLONG-9440 | [Improve][Manager] Support querying audit information based on ip |
INLONG-9518 | [Improve][Manager] Support resetting the consumption location of the consumption group used by sort |
INLONG-9475 | [Improve][Manager] Support setting dataNode when configuring streamSource for MYSQL |
INLONG-9533 | [Improve][Manager] Support setting dataNode when configuring streamSource for Pulsar/Iceberg/PostgreSQL |
INLONG-9510 | [Improve][Manager] Supports doris database synchronization |
INLONG-9503 | [Improve][Manager] Unified Hashmap Dependency Package |
INLONG-9577 | [Bug][Manager] Datatime field type conversion error |
INLONG-9204 | [Bug][Manager] Failed to use PostgreSQL sink |
INLONG-9470 | [Bug][Manager] Failed to verify if the namespace exists |
INLONG-9461 | [Bug][Manager] Failure of GroupTaskListenerFactoryTest |
INLONG-9618 | [Bug][Manager] HttpUtils did not process 307 status code |
INLONG-9606 | [Bug][Manager] Incorrect flow status when cls sink configuration fails |
INLONG-9488 | [Bug][Manager] Not redirecting post requests |
INLONG-9552 | [Bug][Manager] Sink remains in configuration after standalone cluster allocation failure |
INLONG-9632 | [Bug][Manager] StartupSortListener may miss to build flink job for every stream |
INLONG-9222 | [Bug][Manager] When cluster have multiple cluster tag,manager return wrong metadata info |
ISSUE | Summary |
INLONG-9554 | [Bug][SDK] When close DataProxy SDK sender thread, The shutdownInternalThreads methods throw the NullPointerException |
INLONG-9624 | [Improve][SDK] Adjust code directory structure |
INLONG-9658 | [Improve][SDK] Bump up Golang SDK modules |
INLONG-9546 | [Feature][SDK] DataProxy SDK support request manager by https |
ISSUE | Summary |
INLONG-8358 | [Feature][Sort] Add Kafka connector on Flink 1.15 |
INLONG-9521 | [Feature][Sort] Sort format supports InLongMsg-kv format |
INLONG-9571 | [Feature][sort] Support row way of sort InLong message binlog format |
INLONG-9597 | [Feature][Sort] Support row way of sort InLong message tlog-csv format |
INLONG-9569 | [Feature][Sort] Support rowdata way of sort InLong message csv format |
INLONG-9563 | [Feature][Sort] Support rowdata way of sort message kv format |
INLONG-9473 | [Feature][Sort] Support transform of embedding |
INLONG-9626 | [Improve][Sort] Change the variable name from tid to streamId |
INLONG-9491 | [Improve][Sort] Csv format support ignore trailing unmappable fields |
INLONG-9479 | [Improve][Sort] There are too many flink version definitions |
INLONG-9616 | [Bug][Sort] Failed to create pulsar producer with the same topic |
INLONG-9501 | [Bug][Sort] Modify EncryptFunction |
INLONG-9499 | [Bug][Sort] Typos in FlinkPulsarSource and FlinkPulsarSourceWithoutAdmin |
ISSUE | Summary |
INLONG-9603 | [Bug][TubeMQ] Cpp client build failed |
INLONG-9033 | [Improve][TubeMQ] Docker container is missing tubectl script |
ISSUE | Summary |
INLONG-9541 | [Feature][ASF] Remove branch protection strategy for the master branch |
INLONG-8391 | [Improve] Optimize the HeartbeatMsg class |
INLONG-9640 | [Improve][CVE] Apache Shiro vulnerable to path traversal |
INLONG-9048 | [Improve][CVE] Authorization Bypass Through User-Controlled Key vulnerability in Apache ZooKeeper |
INLONG-9465 | [Improve][CVE] Authorization Bypass Through User-Controlled Key vulnerability in Apache ZooKeeper |
INLONG-9666 | [Improve][CVE] Domain restrictions bypass via DNS Rebinding in WireMock and WireMock Studio webhooks, proxy and recorder modes |
INLONG-9644 | [Improve][CVE] Guava vulnerable to insecure use of temporary directory |
INLONG-9477 | [Improve][CVE] Observable Discrepancy in Apache Kafka |
INLONG-9642 | [Improve][CVE] TemporaryFolder on unix-like systems does not limit access to created files |
INLONG-9463 | [Improve][POM] Bump curator to 4.2.0 |
INLONG-9525 | [Improve][Tools] There is a typo for script |
INLONG-9493 | [Bug] Logging error for the NativeFlinkSqlParser |