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1.6.0 release

InLong Source Code1.6.0Mar. 23, 2023[SRC] [ASC] [SHA512]
InLong Binary file1.6.0Mar. 23, 2023[BIN] [ASC] [SHA512]
Connector Binary file1.6.0Mar. 23, 2023[BIN] [ASC] [SHA512]

Release Integrity

You must verify the integrity of the downloaded files. We provide OpenPGP signatures for every release file. This signature should be matched against the KEYS file which contains the OpenPGP keys of InLong's Release Managers. We also provide SHA-512 checksums for every release file. After you download the file, you should calculate a checksum for your download, and make sure it is the same as ours.

Release Notes


INLONG-7548[Improve][Agent][Manager] Use try-with-resource to close resources
INLONG-7533[Improve][Agent] Log cannot be collected for position reset
INLONG-7516[Improve][Manager][Sort][Agent] Decoupling Flink version dependencies for multiple versions of Apache Flink
INLONG-7419[Bug][Agent] The connector of MQTT is unable to connect
INLONG-7404[Bug][Agent] Missing Redis job for Redis connector
INLONG-7387[Bug][Agent] The connector of SQLServer is closed
INLONG-7365[Bug][Agent] The username for the MongoDB connector is missing
INLONG-7353[Bug][Agent] The connector of PostgreSQL is closed
INLONG-7322[Bug][Agent] The archived logs cannot be collected
INLONG-7174[Feature][Agent] Support converting DataConfig to TriggerProfile for PostgreSQL
INLONG-7156[Improve][Agent] Support directly sending raw file data


INLONG-7513[Improve][DataProxy] Delete duplicate definitions
INLONG-7231[Feature][DataProxy] Add selector policy of cache cluster list
INLONG-7191[Improve][DataProxy] Remove unused code
INLONG-7166[Bug][DataProxy] Fix audit data report


INLONG-7466[Improve][TubeMQ] Adjust code style issues
INLONG-7430[Bug][TubeMQ] Zookeeper caught an NPE when deploying TubeMQ by K8s
INLONG-7184[Improve][TubeMQ] Replace CertifiedResult with ProcessResult
INLONG-7182[Improve][TubeMQ] Replace ParamCheckResult with ProcessResult


INLONG-7593[Bug][Manager] Unable to delete InlongGroup
INLONG-7591[Improve][Manager] Support updating related streamSources after updating DataNode
INLONG-7586[Bug][Manager] The audit information in the database cannot be obtained after being updated
INLONG-7577[Bug][Manager] The number of StreamSource is too large, resulting in high CPU usage
INLONG-7575[Improve][Manager] Add audit_base table change script of 1.6.0 for Manager
INLONG-7565[Improve][Manager] Add audit id for Apache Kudu
INLONG-7555[Bug][Manager] The ttl time is invalid in ClickHouse
INLONG-7548[Improve][Agent][Manager] Use try-with-resource to close resources
INLONG-7535[Bug][Manager] Optimize the serializationType setting to prevent NullPointerException
INLONG-7529[Improve][Manager] Change the pattern limitation of InlongGroupId and InlongStreamId
INLONG-7525[Improve][Manager] Support to save additional info for the ClickHouse field
INLONG-7516[Improve][Manager][Sort][Agent] Decoupling Flink version dependencies for multiple versions of Apache Flink
INLONG-7501[Bug][Manager] InlongStream status is not updated after InlongGroup configuration is successful
INLONG-7496[Improve][Manager] Add parseFields method for manager-client
INLONG-7490[Improve][Manager] Support paging query InLong objects info based on conditions in manager-client
INLONG-7479[Bug][Manager] The stream can still be configured under the failed group
INLONG-7473[Bug][Manager] StreamSource in the TO_BE_ISSUED_DELETE state cannot be issued properly
INLONG-7468[Bug][Manager] Re-executing the workflow fails to load the new configuration information
INLONG-7460[Improve][Manager] Add user authentication when operate Datanode
INLONG-7444[Improve][Manager] Support query InLong objects by status list
INLONG-7429[Bug][Manager] The information returned when deleting a non-existent StreamSource is incorrect
INLONG-7426[Improve][Manager] Improve the accuracy of variable naming for MySQLSinkDTO
INLONG-7421[Improve][Manager] Add encoding check to the MySQL JDBC URL in MySQLDataNode
INLONG-7415[Feature][Dashboard][Manager] Creating schema of StreamSource by JSON
INLONG-7406[Improve][Manager] Add the query criteria for streamSource
INLONG-7401[Bug][Manager] Cannot create Pulsar partitions based on numPartitions
INLONG-7395[Improve][Manager] Reduce log in SortSouceService and SortClusterService
INLONG-7389[Improve][Manager][Sort] Add audit id info for source
INLONG-7375[Improve][Manager] Change the pattern limitation of InlongCluster name
INLONG-7373[Improve][Manager] Change the length limitation of InlongStreamId
INLONG-7358[Improve][Manager] Ungraceful Import of Util Tool Classes
INLONG-7355[Bug][Manager] HiveDataNode cannot save the dataPath
INLONG-7337[Bug][Manager] Test Pulsar connection error
INLONG-7334[Feature][Manager] Support stream join dimension table
INLONG-7332[Improve][Manager] Improve the field length in SQL files
INLONG-7331[Improve][Sort][Manager] Support complex type field
INLONG-7328[Bug][Manager] Error in querying audit info
INLONG-7325[Bug][Manager] The topic name format error of Kafka
INLONG-7317[Bug][Manager] Unit tests of Manager threw database not found
INLONG-7310[Bug][Manager] Unit tests of Manager threw too many AuthenticationException
INLONG-7300[Improve][Manager] Replace getRoles() with getAccountType()
INLONG-7299[Feature][Sort][Manager] Support InLongMsg in KafkaConnector
INLONG-7294[Bug][Manager] Failed to suspend, restart and delete Sort task
INLONG-7284[Improve][Manager] Use Preconditions.expectNotBlank to check whether a string is null
INLONG-7280[Improve][Manager] rename checkXXX to expectXXX in Preconditions
INLONG-7278[Improve][Manager] Optimize OpenInLongClusterController implementation
INLONG-7275[Bug][Manager] The specified plugin path does not take effect
INLONG-7271[Feature][Manager] Support comma separation for primary key and partition key of Hudi table
INLONG-7265[Feature][Manager] Support register and manage the resource of Kudu sink
INLONG-7261[Improve][Manager] Optimize OpenStreamTransformController implementation
INLONG-7256[Bug][Manager] The test connection address is wrong, but it shows success
INLONG-7254[Bug][Manager] Fix config error when InlongGroupId is in the process of switching
INLONG-7242[Feature][Manager] Support register and manage the resource of Redis
INLONG-7232[Improve][Manager] Supports automatic management of audit ids
INLONG-7229[Improve][Manager] Add checks for unmodifiable field values
INLONG-7226[Improve][Manager] Optimize OpenStreamSourceController implementation
INLONG-7222[Improve][Manager] Decode the MySQL JDBC URL thoroughly
INLONG-7220[Improve][Manager] Optimize OpenStreamSinkController implementation
INLONG-7213[Improve][Manager] Add encoding check to the MySQL JDBC URL
INLONG-7206[Bug][Manager] The selectBriefList method in the InlongGroupEntity.xml file is incorrect
INLONG-7204[Improve][Manager] Optimize OpenInLongStreamController implementation
INLONG-7199[Improve][Manager] Support save extension params for inlong cluster node
INLONG-7178[Improve][Manager] Optimize OpenInLongGroupController implementation
INLONG-7169[Improve][Manager] Optimize OpenDataNodeController implementation
INLONG-7151[Bug][Manager] Init sort faild when create node
INLONG-7149[Bug][Manager] The tableName parameter in ClickHouseLoadNode is incorrect
INLONG-7089[Improve][Manager] Separate the concept of node tag from the node table and extract the concept of task group
INLONG-7030[Feature][Manager] Build tool for local debugging environment
INLONG-7616[Bug][Manager]Failed to obtain audit information
INLONG-7273[Feature][Manager] Support creating table in Kudu cluster


INLONG-7609[Feature][Sort] Add audit for kafka source connector
INLONG-7595[Improve][Sort] Mongo read phase metrics need to update when no incremental data
INLONG-7589[Feature][Sort] Support multi node relation with same output but different input nodes
INLONG-7584[Feature][Sort] Doris connector supports writing CSV and archiving dirty data
INLONG-7567[Improve][Sort] Extract metrics as common parameters
INLONG-7559[Bug][Sort] Fix Oracle CDC reads timestamp error
INLONG-7557[Bug][Sort] Fix class incompatible error between elasticsearch6 with elasticsearch7
INLONG-7550[Improve][Sort] Optimize the log printing level of dirty data to avoid generating a large number of logs
INLONG-7546[Bug][Sort] Fix dirty data not archived for iceberg connector
INLONG-7543[Bug][Sort] PostgreSQL connector output two data with the same UPDATE operation
INLONG-7539[Bug][Sort] StarRocks connector uses wrong operation type
INLONG-7537[Improve][Sort] MongoDB CDC 2.3 supports enabling incremental snapshot
INLONG-7508[Improve][Sort] Carry right RowKind when cdc-base sends RowData to sink
INLONG-7504[Bug][Sort] StarRocks will throw NullPointerException when dirty.ignore is false
INLONG-7503[Feature][Sort] Support multipule audit ids and fix audit time won't fit
INLONG-7488[Bug][Sort] Oracle CDC 2.3 can only read one record during snapshot reading
INLONG-7487[Improve][Sort] Change changelog mode to capture update_before for ES
INLONG-7485[Improve][Sort] Kafka extract node decide connector option by format
INLONG-7483[Bug][Sort] Connector dependency shade range is not right
INLONG-7477[Bug][Sort] Fix the metadata of table write error for canal-json
INLONG-7470[Bug][Sort] Iceberg's data were duplicated when delete records in upsert mode
INLONG-7464[Bug][Sort] Elasticsearch connector lost dependency
INLONG-7459[Bug][Sort] Fix dirty data can't be archived to s3 for hbase
INLONG-7457[Improve][Sort] Change changelog mode to capture update_before for Doris
INLONG-7455[Bug][Sort] Fix dirty data archival format issues in Iceberg connector
INLONG-7453[Bug][Sort] The blacklist of Iceberg connector will lose the metric and archiving of dirty data
INLONG-7451[Bug][Sort] FileSystem connector dependency lost
INLONG-7449[Bug][Sort] Kafka connector dependency lost
INLONG-7446[Improve][Sort] Upgrade MongoDB CDC to version 2.3
INLONG-7441[Bug][Sort] HBase connector dependency lost and dirty data process error
INLONG-7437[Improve][Sort] Support metrics for Oracle CDC connector with incremental snapshot enabled
INLONG-7417[Improve][Sort] Use SinkTableMetricData instead of SinkMetricData in IcebergSingleStreamWriter
INLONG-7412[Bug][Sort] Fix dependency error: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError
INLONG-7411[Bug][Sort] Fix the invalid of kafka source meitric due to inlongMetric being null
INLONG-7410[Improve][Sort] Support open incremental snapshot in oracle cdc connector
INLONG-7400[Improve][Sort] Upgrade Oracle CDC to version 2.3.0
INLONG-7397[Bug][Sort] MySql connector output two data with the same UPDATE operation
INLONG-7392[Improve][Sort] Refactor Doris single table to solve performance issues
INLONG-7391[Improve][Sort] Support CSV format and dirty data collecting for StarRocks connector
INLONG-7389[Improve][Manager][Sort] Add audit id info for source
INLONG-7377[Bug][Sort] Protobuf conflicts in sort-dist and sort-connectors
INLONG-7363[Bug][Sort] Icebreg connector has null pointer exception
INLONG-7351[Bug][Sort] Table level metric name is error for starrocks and doris
INLONG-7346[Improve][Sort] Add metadata support for join of Redis dimension table
INLONG-7339[Improve][Sort] Adjust the Sort structure for multiple versions of Apache Flink
INLONG-7335[Bug][Sort] Hbase connector lost spi file when shade
INLONG-7331[Improve][Sort][Manager] Support complex type field
INLONG-7311[Bug][Sort] Doris StreamLoad unable to archive dirty data
INLONG-7306[Improve][Sort] Use properties to save extended parameters in Redis LoadNode
INLONG-7299[Feature][Sort][Manager] Support InLongMsg in KafkaConnector
INLONG-7293[Bug][Sort] S3DirtySink flushes too quickly
INLONG-7292[Bug][Sort] The invokeMultiple method cannot accurately detect and archive dirty data
INLONG-7291[Bug][Sort] Fix bug of dirtysink not opening for jdbc multiple sink
INLONG-7286[Bug][Sort] Fix issue of tableidentifier being null when addRow
INLONG-7268[Feature][Sort] Support Apache Kudu LoadNode
INLONG-7257[Bug][Sort] Doris connector throw NPE when DATE type data is null
INLONG-7250[Improve][Sort] Output the read phase metrics for MySQL reader
INLONG-7245[Feature][Sort] Support metric and audio in sort-connect-redis
INLONG-7240[Feature][Sort] Support load node of Redis
INLONG-7197[Improve][Sort] Iceberg connector supports keyby with the primary key
INLONG-7186[Bug][Sort] Incorrect time zone for data writing to Iceberg
INLONG-7140[Improve][Sort] MySql cdc connector split exit without catch exception
INLONG-7060[Feature][Sort] Support write redis in sort-connector-redis
INLONG-7058[Feature][Sort] Support Apache Kudu connector
INLONG-7249[Feature][Sort] JDBC accurate dirty data archive and metric calculation
INLONG-7614[Bug][Sort] Fix pulsar connector data loss


INLONG-7607[Bug][Docker] Audit store service can not start in docker-compose
INLONG-7519[Feature][Audit] Proxy support Kafka
INLONG-7518[Feature][Audit] Store support Kafka
INLONG-7234[Improve][Audit] Add log4j for audit-store
INLONG-7159[Bug][Audit] Fix the problem of audit sdk create thread when the audit service is not deployed
INLONG-6919[Bug][Audit] No exceptions are printed in the log


INLONG-7613[Improve][Dashboard] Data reporting moved to Approval Information
INLONG-7611[Improve][Dashboard] File source select cluster add limit
INLONG-7582[Improve][Dashboard] Support responseParse config
INLONG-7563[Feature][Dashboard] Support specific partitions in the kudu sink
INLONG-7560[Improve][Dashboard] When submitting group approval, determine whether to create source and sink
INLONG-7542[Improve][Dashboard] File source supports selecting clusters
INLONG-7531[Improve][Dashboard] Clickhouse source supports filling life cycle
INLONG-7521[Improve][Dashboard] Arrange according to the size of Auditid
INLONG-7506[Improve][Dashboard] Change query method of source and sink from get to post
INLONG-7499[Feature][Dashboard] Support redis node management
INLONG-7495[Feature][Dashboard] Support hudi node management
INLONG-7493[Improve][Dashboard] Not use upper case for source, sink, and audit labels
INLONG-7438[Improve][Dashboard] Support more Sort index display instead of directly displaying ID
INLONG-7415[Feature][Dashboard][Manager] Creating schema of StreamSource by JSON
INLONG-7384[Bug][Dashboard] Login page error
INLONG-7382[Improve][Dashboard] Add a database name for MySQL sink
INLONG-7368[Improve][Dashboard] InLongGroup adds status display and adjustment operations
INLONG-7367[Improve][Dashboard] Enabled more global config
INLONG-7360[Bug][Dashboard] env.local variable can not work
INLONG-7327[Improve][Dashboard] Support using different env variable
INLONG-7319[Improve][Dashboard] Support global configuration of Provider and Layout
INLONG-7313[Improve][Dashboard] Automatically generate a unique ID and depth key for the menu
INLONG-7305[Improve][Dashboard] Use properties to save extended parameters in Redis LoadNode
INLONG-7297[Improve][Dashboard] Hive node parameter optimization
INLONG-7264[Feature][Dashboard] Support sink Apache Kudu
INLONG-7246[Improve][Dashboard] Remove helper info of DataType in Stream configuration
INLONG-7238[Feature][Dashboard] Support cascading of redis cluster / data-type and format configuration
INLONG-7215[Improve][Dashboard] PostgreSQL source parameter optimization
INLONG-7211[Feature][Dashboard] Support Redis sink
INLONG-7190[Improve][Dashboard] New data subscription optimization
INLONG-7176[Feature][Dashboard] Add restart and stop operations for InlongGroup
INLONG-7162[Improve][Dashboard] Kafka MQ type details optimization
INLONG-7153[Improve][Dashboard] The data subscription status code shows the specific meaning


INLONG-7572[Feature][Docker] Add the Kafka support for audit docker deployment
INLONG-7528[Feature][Script] Add the Kafka support for audit standalone deployment
INLONG-7480[Improve][CVE] Dependency org.apache.tomcat.embed:tomcat-embed-core leading to CVE problem
INLONG-7475[Improve][Docker] Add Kafka connector to the manager image for test
INLONG-7423[Feature] Pulsar connector with adminUrl cannot output audit metrics
INLONG-7349[Bug][SDK] Init failure when a single SortTask create multiple SortClients
INLONG-7323[Improve][Docker] Add push manifest for tubemq-all and tubemq-manager
INLONG-7266[Improve][Document] Add document for Apache Kudu
INLONG-7244[Feature][Document] Add user docs for Redis LoadNote
INLONG-7161[Bug] Mysql connector only output the latest record in snapshot stage for table without primary key
INLONG-7154[Bug][SDK] Fix metric report failure when topic does not exist
INLONG-6560[Feature][Docker] Add arm64 image for inlong/tubemq-all
INLONG-5643[Bug][CVE] There is a vulnerability in Apache Flume 1.10.0