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2021-09-110.10.0Source[SRC] [ASC] [SHA512]


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INLONG-570Optimizing the implementations of HTTP API for Master
INLONG-726Optimize The Deployment For InLong
INLONG-732Optimize the CI/CD workflow for build and integration test
INLONG-733Unity the Manger-API/Manger-OpenAPI, and change Manager-API to Manager-Web
INLONG-744Error log, should use log4j
INLONG-750Add configuration descriptions for 'defEthName' in 'broker.ini'
INLONG-756package script executable for agent
INLONG-768add github pull request template
INLONG-789make agent readme more friendly
INLONG-792tubemanager add a cluster after configuration
INLONG-800Fix codestyle of some comments and methods names.
INLONG-804Optimize the ASF Configuration
INLONG-805Migrate InLong Issues from JIRA to GitHub
INLONG-808Missing dataproxy sdk readme
INLONG-809dataproxy readme delete reference url
INLONG-1498ignore the files with versionsBackup suffix for the bumped version
INLONG-1487remove the user number limit when create a new data stream
INLONG-1486[agent] update the document about configuring the dataprxy address
INLONG-1485[sort] add the guide documents for using Pulsar
INLONG-1484Bid and Tid is not well explained in agent and might cause send error
INLONG-1464Add code CheckStyle rules
INLONG-1459proxy address configuration is redundant for inlong-agent
INLONG-1457remove the user limit for creating a new data access
INLONG-1455add a script to publish docker images
INLONG-1443Provide management interface SDK
INLONG-1439Add the port legal check and remove the useless deleteWhen field
INLONG-1430Go SDK example
INLONG-1429update the asf config for inlong office website
INLONG-1427Go SDK return maxOffset and updateTime in ConsumerOffset
INLONG-1424change the format of the configuration file: make the yaml to properties
INLONG-1423modify the docker image of the inlong-manager module
INLONG-1417rename the distribution file for inlong
INLONG-1415[TubeMQ Docker] expose zookeeper port for other component usages
INLONG-1409Sort out the LICENSE information of the 3rd-party components that the DataProxy submodule depends on
INLONG-1407[DataProxy]Adjust the pom dependency of the DataProxy module
INLONG-1405too many issues mail at dev@inlong mailbox


INLONG-751InLong Manager start up error
INLONG-776fix the version error for tubemq cpp client docker image
INLONG-777InLong Manager new data stream error
INLONG-787The actions "reviewdog/action-setup" is not allowed to be used
INLONG-797the document for deployment DataProxy is not complete
INLONG-799can not find for dataproxy
INLONG-1488there are still some chinese characters for website
INLONG-1475Tube manager compile ch.qos.logback with error
INLONG-1474the interface of get data proxy configurations got abnormal status result
INLONG-1470Java.util.ConcurrentModificationException error when rebalance
INLONG-1468The update interval of dataproxy is quite long and may cause produce error when config is not updated
INLONG-1466get snappy error when the agent collecting data
INLONG-1462dataproxy can not create configuration properties successfully in the docker container
INLONG-1458The http port in agent readme should be 8008 to be consistent with the code
INLONG-1453agent connect dataproxy fail when using docker-compose
INLONG-1448The Manager throws an exception when creating a business
INLONG-1447Fix Group Control API logic bug
INLONG-1444Fix Web API multiple field search logic bug
INLONG-1441Repair Broker configuration API bugs
INLONG-1436[CI] The checkstyle workflow is redundant
INLONG-1432The manager url of agent and dataproxy need to be updated since manager merged openapi and api into one module
INLONG-1403fix some error in dataproxy-sdk readme


INLONG-576Build metadata entity classes
INLONG-578Build implementation classes based on BDB storage
INLONG-579Add structure mapping of BDB and metadata entity classes
INLONG-580Build active and standby keep-alive services
INLONG-581Add data cache in BDB metadata Mapper implementations
INLONG-582Adjust the business logic related to the BdbClusterSettingEntity class
INLONG-583Adjust BrokerConfManager class implementation
INLONG-584Adjust WebMasterInfoHandler class implementation
INLONG-593Add WebGroupConsumeCtrlHandler class implementation
INLONG-595Add WebBrokerConfHandler class implementation
INLONG-596Add WebTopicConfHandler class implementation
INLONG-597Adjust WebTopicCtrlHandler class implementation
INLONG-598Adjust WebTopicCtrlHandler class implementation
INLONG-599Adjust's static functions
INLONG-601Adjust WebBrokerDefConfHandler class implementation
INLONG-602Add replacement processing after metadata changes
INLONG-611Add FSM for broker configure manage
INLONG-617Add unit tests for WebParameterUtils
INLONG-618Add unit tests for metastore.dao.entity.*
INLONG-625Add unit tests for metamanage.metastore.impl.*
INLONG-626Fix broker and topic confiugre implement bugs
INLONG-707Bumped version to 0.10.0-SNAPSHOT
INLONG-740Merge the changes in INLONG-739 to master and delete the temporary branch
INLONG-755Go SDK Consumer Result
INLONG-757fix the artifactId of dataproxy
INLONG-758remove redundant baseDirectory for manager output files
INLONG-759fix assembly issue for TubeMQ manager
INLONG-760standardize the directories name for the sort sub-module
INLONG-761unify all modules target files to a singe directory
INLONG-762refactor the deployment document
INLONG-763make the inlong-websit be a maven module of InLong project
INLONG-764Fix Go SDK RPC Request bug
INLONG-766Fix Go SDK Codec Bug
INLONG-770update the readme document
INLONG-771Fix Go SDK Authorization Bug
INLONG-773add manager docker image
INLONG-774update TubeMQ docker images to InLong repo
INLONG-778Fix Go SDK Consumer Bug
INLONG-779update tubemq manager docker image
INLONG-781add inlong agent docker image support
INLONG-784Fix Go SDK Heartbeat Bug
INLONG-785Fix Go SDK Metadata Bug
INLONG-786add dataproxy docker image
INLONG-788Fix Go SDK Remote Cache Bug
INLONG-791Go SDK Support multiple topic address
INLONG-793Fix Some Corner Case in Go SDK
INLONG-794add website docker image
INLONG-803add docker requirement for building InLong
INLONG-806open GitHub Issue For InLong
INLONG-807migrate issue history to inlong
INLONG-1491Add 0.10.0 version release modification to
INLONG-1492Bumped version to 0.11.0-incubating-SNAPSHOT
INLONG-1493Modify download&release notes for 0.10.0
INLONG-1494Adjust the version information of all pom.xml to 0.10.0-incubating
INLONG-1495Update Office website content for release 0.10.0
INLONG-1496Release InLong 0.10.0
INLONG-1497create a 0.10.0 branch to release
INLONG-1502publish all 0.10.0 images to docker hub