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Version: 1.7.0


Environment Requirements

  • Install and start MySQL 5.7+

  • initialize database there is sql/apache_inlong_manager.sql in inlong-manager directory, load this file through the following command to complete the initialization of the table structure and basic data

    # initialize database:
    mysql -uDB_USER -pDB_PASSWD < sql/apache_inlong_manager.sql

Add Dependencies

  • Download Sort Connector Binary file, and unzip it into inlong-sort/connectors directory.
  • If using MySQL database, please download mysql-connector-java-8.0.27.jar and put it in the lib/ directory.
  • If you use PostgreSQL database, you don't need to download additional dependencies.

Update Configuration

Go to the decompressed inlong-manager directory and modify the conf/ file:

# manager service port number

# The configuration file used is dev

The dev configuration is specified above, then modify the conf/ file:

If test or prod is specified, modify the corresponding file.


The InLong Manager can start the Sort task, you need to configure the Flink environment first. The configuration file is plugins/

# Flink host split by coma if more than one host, such as 'host1,host2'
# Flink port
# Flink job manager port
# InLong Audit Proxy Address

Start Application

bash +x bin/

Cluster Initialize

When all containers are successfully started, you can access the Inlong dashboard address http://localhost, and use the following default account to log in:

User: admin
Password: inlong

Create Cluster Tag

Click [Clusters]->[ClusterTags]->[Create] on the page to specify the cluster label name and person in charge:


Since each component reports the ClusterTags as default_cluster by default, do not use other names.

Register MQ Cluster

You could only Register the MQ type you chose.

  • Option 1: Register Pulsar Cluster Click [Clusters]->[Clusters]->[Create] on the page to register Pulsar Cluster:

  • Option 2: Register TubeMQ Cluster Click [Clusters]->[Clusters]->[Create] on the page to register TubeMQ Cluster:

  • Option 3: Register Kafka Cluster Click [Clusters]->[Clusters]->[Create] on the page to register TubeMQ Cluster:


The ClusterTags selects the newly created default_cluster, and then configuring the MQ cluster info.

(Optional) Enable OpenAPI Authentication

Enable Authentication

Manager supports the option to authenticate client component access to its open APIs. To enable authentication modify conf/

# Manager open api authentication enabled

Authentication Configuration

Components that access manager must be authenticated by secret id and secret key if enabled, for example (please configure user's own instead of the example) :

Modify in agent's conf directory:


Modify in dataproxy's conf directory:


Authentication Key Generation

Admin user can log in inlong dashboard to allocate secret ids and keys: System->User->Create.