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Version: 1.9.0

Error Code

1 Introduction of TubeMQ Error

TubeMQ use errCode and errMsg combined to return specific operation result. Firstly, determine the type of result(problem) by errCode, and then determine the specific reson of the errCode based on errMsg. The following table summarizes all the errCodes and errMsgs that may return during operation. TubeMQ's computation is parallel, and all child operations are surrounded by the parent value. Note that the error code of the parent class and the subclass have no synchronization relationship, and the error code of the parent class only indicates whether the allocator of the TubeMQ child request works properly. The following error codes represent the error codes for sub-operations.

2 errCodes

Error TypeerrCodeError MarkMeaningNote
Operation Success0Operation SuccessThis is the normal error code that is currently used uniformly
Operation Success200Operation SuccessThis is the original normal error code, this part of the error code is gradually modified to 0, but 200 still means normal
Operation Success201NOT_READYThe request is accepted, but the server is not ready or the service is not running.unused now, reserved.
Temporary Conflict Resolved301MOVEDTemporary switching of data results in an unsuccessful operation and a request for a new operation needs to be initiated.
Client Error400BAD_REQUESTClient error, including parameter error, status error, etc.Refer to ErrMsg for detail to location the error.
Client Error401UNAUTHORIZEDUnauthorized operation, make sure that the client has permission to perform the operation.Need to check configuration.
Client Error403FORBIDDENTopic not found or already deleted.
Client Error404NOT_FOUNDConsumer has reach the max offset of the topic.
Client Error405ALL_PARTITION_FROZENAll available partitions are frozen.The available partition has been frozen by the client, and it needs to be unfrozen or wait a while and try again.
Client Error406NO_PARTITION_ASSIGNEDThe current client is not allocated a partition for consumption.The number of clients exceeds the number of partitions, or the server has not performed load balancing operations, so you need to wait and try again.
Client Error407ALL_PARTITION_WAITINGThe current available partitions have reached the maximum consumption position.Need to wait and try again.
Client Error408ALL_PARTITION_INUSECurrently available partitions are all used by business but not released.Need to wait for the business logic to call the confirm API to release the partition, wait and try again.
Client Error410PARTITION_OCCUPIEDPartition consumption conflicts. Ignore it.Temporary status of internal registration.
Client Error411HB_NO_NODENode timeout, need to reduce the frequency of the operation and wait a while before retrying.It usually occurs when the heartbeat sent from client to the server is timeout, try to reduce the operation frequency and wait for a while for the lib to register successfully before retrying the process.
Client Error412DUPLICATE_PARTITIONPartition consumption conflicts. Ignore it.Usually caused by node timeout, retry it.
Client Error415CERTIFICATE_FAILUREAuthorization fails, including user authentication and operational authorization.Usually occurs when the user name and password are inconsistent, the operation is not authorized.
Client Error419SERVER_RECEIVE_OVERFLOWServer receives overflow and need to retry.For long-term overflow, try to expand the storage instance or expand the memory cache size.
Client Error450CONSUME_GROUP_FORBIDDENConsumer group is forbidden.
Client Error452SERVER_CONSUME_SPEED_LIMITConsumption speed is limited.
Client Error455CONSUME_CONTENT_FORBIDDENConsumption is rejected, including that the consumer group is forbidden to filter consume and The filter streamId set does not match the allowed streamId set, etc.Confirm the setting of filter of message.
Server Error500INTERNAL_SERVER_ERRORInternal server errorRefer to ErrMsg for detail to location the error.
Server Error503SERVICE_UNAVILABLETemporary ban on reading or writing for business.Retry it.
Server Error510INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR_MSGSET_NULLCan not read Message Set.Retry it.

3 Common errMsgs

Record IDerrMsgMeaningNote
1Status error: producer has been shutdown!Producer has been shutdown.
2Illegal parameter: blank topic!parameter error: blank topic
3Illegal parameter: topicSet is null or empty!parameter error: empty topic
4Illegal parameter: found blank topic value in topicSet: xxxxxparameter error: The topic set contains an empty topic.
5Send message failedSend message failed.
6Illegal parameter: null message package!Empty message package.
7Illegal parameter: null data in message package!Empty message content.
8Illegal parameter: over max message length for the total size of message data and attribute, allowed size is XX, message's real size is YYMessage length over specified maximum length.
9Topic XX not publish, please publish first!Topic is not published yet.
10Topic XX not publish, make sure the topic exist or acceptPublish and try later!Topic is not published yet or not exist.
11Null partition for topic: XX, please try later!Topic has not been assigned to a partition.
12No available partition for topic: XXNo available partition.
13Current delayed messages over max allowed count, allowed is xxxxx, current count is yyyyThe number of unanswered messages currently stranded exceeds the allowed value.Send again later. The maximum amount can be changed by TubeClientConfig.setSessionMaxAllowedDelayedMsgCount(), 400000 as default.
14The brokers of topic are all forbidden!Brokers of the topic are blocked due to network problem.Retry later when the blocking strategy is lifted.
15Not found available partition for topic: XXCan not find available partition.Partition exists but blocked due to network problem.
16Channel is not writable, please try later!Channel is not writable now.Modify buffer size by TubeClientConfig.setNettyWriteBufferHighWaterMark(), 10M as default.
17Put message failed from xxxxx, server receive message overflow!Server is overloaded when storing messagesRetry sending. If error persists, try to expand the storage size.
18Write StoreService temporary unavailable!Temporary invalid writing operation towards corresponding server.Retry sending message. If error presists, adjust the partition distribution on the broker, and deal with the abnormal brokers.
19Topic xxx not existed, please check your configureTopic does not exist.It is possible that the topic was deleted by the administrator during production. Contact the administrator to deal with it.
20Partition[xxx:yyy] has been closedTopic has been deleted.It is possible that the topic was deleted by the administrator during the production. Contact the administrator to deal with it.
21Partition xxx-yyy not existed, please check your configureTopic does not exist.Partitions will only be increased, contact the administrator to deal with the situation.
22Checksum failure xxx of yyyy not equal to the data's checksumInconsistent checksum.The checksum of the content is incorrectly calculated, or is tampered with during transmission.
23Put message failed from xxxxxMessage storage failure.Retry. Also send the error message to the administrator to confirm the cause of the problem.
24Put message failed fromMessage storage failure.Retry. Also send the error message to the administrator to confirm the cause of the problem.
25Null brokers to select sent, please try later!No available broker fro sending message now.Retry later. If error presists, it may be some exception with broker or there is too many incomplete messages, check the status of broker.
26Publish topic failure, make sure the topic xxx exist or acceptPublish and try later!publish topic failed, make sure that the topic exists and is writableThis error is reported when void publish(final String topic) interface is called and the topic is not local or does not exist. Wait about 1 minute or use Set<String> publish(Set<String> topicSet) interface to finish publishing the topic.
27Register producer failure, response is null!Fail to register producer.Contact administrator to deal with it.
28Register producer failure, error is XXXFail to register producer for some reason.Check the problem against the cause of the error, and if it is still wrong, contact the administrator.
29Register producer exception, error is XXXFail to register producer for some reason.Check the problem against the cause of the error, and if it is still wrong, contact the administrator.
30Status error: please call start function first!Call start() firstly.Producer is not created from sessionFactory, call createProducer() in sessionfactory first.
31Status error: producer service has been shutdown!Producer has been shutdowned.Producer has been shutdowned and stop calling any function.
32Listener is null for topic XXXCallback Listener passed against a topic is null.Input parameters are not valid, need to check code.
33Please complete topic's Subscribe call first!Call subscribe() of the topic first.Complete the topic subscription before consuming.
34ConfirmContext is null !Empty ConfirmContext content, illegal contexts.Check the call of function in code.
35ConfirmContext format error: value must be aaaa:bbbb:cccc:ddddd !ConfirmContext format incorrect.Check the call of function in code.
36ConfirmContext's format error: item (XXX) is null !ConfirmContext contain blank content.Check the call of function in code.
37The confirmContext's value invalid!Invalid ConfirmContext content.It is possible that the context does not exist, or has expired because the load balancing corresponding partition has been released.
38Confirm XXX 's offset failed!Fail to confirm offset.Confirm the cause of the problem based on the log details, and if the problem persists, contact administrator to resolve it.
39Not found the partition by confirmContext:XXXCan not find the coresponding partition.The corresponding load balancing partition on the server is released.
40Illegal parameter: messageSessionFactory or consumerConfig is null!messageSessionFactory or consumerConfig is nullCheck the object initialization logic and the configuration.
41Get consumer id failed!Fail to generate uuid for consumer.Contact the system administrator to check the exception stack information where error presists.
42Parameter error: topic is Blank!topic inputed is blank.Blank includes arguments that are null, arguments inputed that are not null but have a content length of 0, or content with the whitespace character
43Parameter error: Over max allowed filter count, allowed count is XXXThe number of filter items exceeds the maximum allowed by the system.Parameter error and modify the amount.
44Parameter error: blank filter value in parameter filterConds!filterConds contain blank content.Parameter error and modify the parameter.
45Parameter error: over max allowed filter length, allowed length is XXXExceeded filter length.
46Parameter error: null messageListenerMessageListener inputed is null.
47Topic=XXX has been subscribedSubscribe topic duplicately.
48Not subscribe any topic, please subscribe first!No topic subscribed.Check business code for inappropriate call of function.
49Duplicated completeSubscribe call!Call completeSubscribe() duplicately.Check business code for inappropriate call of function.
50Subscribe has finished!Call completeSubscribe() duplicately.
51Parameter error: sessionKey is Blank!Parameter error: sessionKey is not allowed to be blank.
52Parameter error: sourceCount must over zero!Parameter error: sourceCount must over zero!
53Parameter error: partOffsetMap's key XXX format error: value must be aaaa:bbbb:cccc !Parameter error: The key content of the partOffsetMap must be in "aaaa:bbbb:cccc" format.
54Parameter error: not included in subscribed topic list: partOffsetMap's key is XXX , subscribed topics are YYYParameter error: The specified topic does not exist in the subscription list.
55Parameter error: illegal format error of XXX: value must not include ',' char!"Parameter error: cannot contain the "," character.
56Parameter error: Offset must over or equal zero of partOffsetMap key XXX, value is YYYParameter error: Offset must over or equal zero.
57Duplicated completeSubscribe call!Call completeSubscribe() duplicately.
58Register to master failed! ConsumeGroup forbidden, XXXFail to register to master. Consumer group is forbiddenServer prohibits this operation, contact administrator to deal with it.
59Register to master failed! Restricted consume content, XXXFail to register to master, and comsumption is limited.Filter consumption of streamId sets that are not within the scope of the requested set.
60Register to master failed! please check and retry later.Fail to register to master, retry it.In this case, check the client log to confirm the cause of the problem, and then contact the administrator to verify that there is no abnormal log and the master address is correct.
61Get message error, reason is XXXPull message fail by some reason.Submit the relevant error message to the relevant business owner for action, aligning the cause with the specific error message.
62Get message nullMessage pulled from topic is null.Retry it.
63Get message failed, topic=XXX,partition=YYY, throw info is ZZZFailed to pull message.Submit the relevant error message to the relevant business owner for action, aligning the cause with the specific error message.
64Status error: consumer has been shutdownThe consumer has called shutdown and should not continue to call other functions.
65All partition in waiting, retry later!All partition in waiting status, retry later.This erMsg can be ignored, pulling thread will sleep 200-400ms in this case.
66The request offset reached maxOffsetThe request partition has reached the max offsetModify the period of waiting for new message in a partition by ConsumerConfig.setMsgNotFoundWaitPeriodMs()
67No partition info in local, please wait and try laterThere is no partition information locally, you need to wait and try againPossible situations include that the server has not rebalanced, or the number of clients is greater than the number of partitions
68No idle partition to consume, please wait and try laterThere is no free partition for consumption, need to wait and try againNeed to wait for the business logic to call the confirm API to release the partition, wait and try again
69All partition are frozen to consume, please unfreeze partition(s) or waitAll partitions are frozenIt is possible that the business calls the freeze interface to freeze the partitionable consumption, and the business needs to call the unfreeze API to unfreeze

If there is error not mentioned above, please do contact us.

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