Pulsar To Hive Example
Prepare To Get Module Archive
Module archive is in the directory:inlong-sort-standalone/sort-standalone-dist/target/
, the archive file is apache-inlong-sort-standalone-${project.version}-bin.tar.gz
Prepare To Modify Configuration File
At first, decompress the archive file, copy three files in the directory conf/hive/
to the directory conf/
- conf/common.properties, common configuration of all components.
- conf/SortClusterConfig.conf, sink configuration of all sort tasks.
- conf/sid_hive_inlong6th_v3.conf, data source configuration example of a sort task, the file name is same with sort task name in SortClusterConfig.conf.
Example: conf/common.properties
# inlong-sort-standalone cluster id
# Current node ID
# Domain name of metric
# Class name list of metric listener, separated by space
# Interval snapshoting metric data(millisecond)
# Channel class name
# Sink class name. Different distribution types use different Sink classes
# Source class name
# There are three ways to load cluster configuration data: [file, Manager, custom class].
# When the cluster configuration data is loaded from a file, the name of the configuration file in the classpath
# There are three ways to load the Sort task configuration data: [file, Manager, custom class]
Example: conf/SortClusterConfig.conf
"data": {
"clusterName": "hivev3-sz-sz1",
"sortTasks": [
"idParams": [
"inlongGroupId": "0fc00000046",
"inlongStreamId": "",
"separator": "|",
"partitionIntervalMs": 3600000,
"idRootPath": "/user/hive/warehouse/t_inlong_v1_0fc00000046",
"partitionSubPath": "/{yyyyMMdd}/{yyyyMMddHH}",
"hiveTableName": "t_inlong_v1_0fc00000046",
"partitionFieldName": "dt",
"partitionFieldPattern": "yyyyMMddHH",
"msgTimeFieldPattern": "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss",
"maxPartitionOpenDelayHour": 8
"inlongGroupId": "03600000045",
"inlongStreamId": "",
"separator": "|",
"partitionIntervalMs": 3600000,
"idRootPath": "/user/hive/warehouse/t_inlong_v1_03600000045",
"partitionSubPath": "/{yyyyMMdd}/{yyyyMMddHH}",
"hiveTableName": "t_inlong_v1_03600000045",
"partitionFieldName": "dt",
"partitionFieldPattern": "yyyyMMddHH",
"msgTimeFieldPattern": "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss",
"maxPartitionOpenDelayHour": 8
"inlongGroupId": "05100054990",
"inlongStreamId": "",
"separator": "|",
"partitionIntervalMs": 3600000,
"idRootPath": "/user/hive/warehouse/t_inlong_v1_05100054990",
"partitionSubPath": "/{yyyyMMdd}/{yyyyMMddHH}",
"hiveTableName": "t_inlong_v1_05100054990",
"partitionFieldName": "dt",
"partitionFieldPattern": "yyyyMMddHH",
"msgTimeFieldPattern": "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss",
"maxPartitionOpenDelayHour": 8
"inlongGroupId": "09c00014434",
"inlongStreamId": "",
"separator": "|",
"partitionIntervalMs": 3600000,
"idRootPath": "/user/hive/warehouse/t_inlong_v1_09c00014434",
"partitionSubPath": "/{yyyyMMdd}/{yyyyMMddHH}",
"hiveTableName": "t_inlong_v1_09c00014434",
"partitionFieldName": "dt",
"partitionFieldPattern": "yyyyMMddHH",
"msgTimeFieldPattern": "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss",
"maxPartitionOpenDelayHour": 8
"inlongGroupId": "0c900035509",
"inlongStreamId": "",
"separator": "|",
"partitionIntervalMs": 3600000,
"idRootPath": "/user/hive/warehouse/t_inlong_v1_0c900035509",
"partitionSubPath": "/{yyyyMMdd}/{yyyyMMddHH}",
"hiveTableName": "t_inlong_v1_0c900035509",
"partitionFieldName": "dt",
"partitionFieldPattern": "yyyyMMddHH",
"msgTimeFieldPattern": "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss",
"maxPartitionOpenDelayHour": 8
"name": "sid_hive_inlong6th_v3",
"sinkParams": {
"hdfsPath": "hdfs://",
"maxFileOpenDelayMinute": "5",
"tokenOvertimeMinute": "60",
"maxOutputFileSizeGb": "2",
"hiveJdbcUrl": "jdbc:hive2://",
"hiveDatabase": "default",
"hiveUsername": "hive",
"hivePassword": "hive"
"type": "HIVE"
"errCode": 0,
"md5": "md5",
"result": true
Example: conf/sid_hive_inlong6th_v3.conf
"sortClusterName": "hivev3-sz-sz1",
"sortTaskId": "sid_hive_inlong6th_v3",
"cacheZones": {
"pc_inlong6th_sz1": {
"zoneName": "${PULSAR_CLUSTER_NAME}",
"serviceUrl": "http://${PULSAR_IP}:${PULSAR_PORT}",
"authentication": "${PULSAR_AUTH}",
"topics": [
"partitionCnt": 10,
"topicProperties": {}
"cacheZoneProperties": {},
"zoneType": "pulsar"
Configuration For conf/common.properties
Parameter | Required | DefaultValue | Remark |
clusterId | Y | NA | inlong-sort-standalone collection unique identification |
nodeId | N | Localhost IP | Current node ID |
metricDomains | N | Sort | Index summary name |
metricDomains.Sort.domainListeners | N | org.apache.inlong.sort.standalone.metrics.prometheus.PrometheusMetricListener | List of indexes and list of equipment categories, empty case interval |
metricDomains.Sort.snapshotInterval | N | 60000 | The retry timeout for subscribing to a tube, in ms |
prometheusHttpPort | N | 8080 | Parameters of org.apache.inlong.sort.standalone.metrics.prometheus.PrometheusMetricListener, HttpServer port of Prometheus |
sortChannel.type | N | org.apache.inlong.sort.standalone.channel.BufferQueueChannel | Channel type |
sortSink.type | Y | NA | Sink class name. Different distribution types use different Sink classes. |
sortSource.type | N | org.apache.inlong.sort.standalone.source.sortsdk.SortSdkSource | Source class name |
sortClusterConfig.type | N | manager | There are three ways to load cluster configuration data: [file, Manager, custom class]. |
sortClusterConfig.file | N | SortClusterConfig.conf | When the cluster configuration data is loaded from a file, the name of the configuration file in the classpath |
sortClusterConfig.managerUrl | N | NA | When the cluster configuration data is loaded from the manager, define the URL of InlongManager here For example: http://${manager ip:port}/api/inlong/manager/openapi/sort/standalone/getClusterConfig |
sortSourceConfig.QueryConsumeConfigType | N | manager | There are three ways to load the Sort task configuration data: [file, Manager, custom class]. If the loading path is file, the Sort task configuration file is in the class path, and the file name format is: ${sortTaskId}.conf . |
sortSourceConfig.managerUrl | N | NA | When the Sort task configuration data loading source is manager, define the URL of InlongManager here For example::http://${manager ip:port}/api/inlong/manager/openapi/sort/standalone/getSortSource |
Configuration For SortClusterConfig.conf
- SortClusterConfig.conf source file in ClassPath, but does not support real-time updates
- Can obtain configuration from the HTTP interface of Inlong Manager, supporting real-time updates
Parameter | Required | Types | DefaultValue | Remark |
clusterName | Y | String | NA | inlong-sort-standalone cluster unique identifier |
sortTasks | Y | JsonArray<SortTaskConfig> | NA | Sort task list |
Configuration For SortTaskConfig
Parameter | Required | DefaultValue | Remark |
name | Y | NA | Sort task name |
type | Y | NA | Sort assignment type, like: HIVE("hive") , TUBE("tube") , KAFKA("kafka") , PULSAR("pulsar") , ElasticSearch("ElasticSearch"), UNKNOWN("n") |
idParams | Y | NA | Inlong data stream parameter list |
sinkParams | Y | NA | Sort task parameters |
IdParams Configuration For Sort-Hive Task
Parameter | Required | DefaultValue | Remark |
inlongGroupId | Y | NA | inlongGroupId |
inlongStreamId | Y | NA | inlongStreamId |
separator | Y | NA | Delimiter |
partitionIntervalMs | N | 3600000 | Partition interval, in milliseconds |
idRootPath | Y | NA | HDFS root directory of Inlong data stream |
partitionSubPath | Y | NA | Partition subdirectories for inlong data streams |
hiveTableName | Y | NA | Hive table name of the Inlong data stream |
partitionFieldName | N | dt | Partition field name of the Inlong data stream |
partitionFieldPattern | Y | NA | The partition field value format of the Inlong data stream, such as {yyyyMMdd} , {yyyyMMddHH} , {yyyyMMddHHmm} |
msgTimeFieldPattern | Y | NA | The field value format of the message generation time, Java time format |
maxPartitionOpenDelayHour | N | 8 | Maximum opening delay time of the partition, in hours |
SinkParams Configuration For Sort-Hive Task
Parameter | Required | DefaultValue | Remark |
hdfsPath | Y | NA | HDFS nameNode |
maxFileOpenDelayMinute | N | 5 | Maximum write time of a single HDFS file, in minutes |
tokenOvertimeMinute | N | 60 | The maximum time it takes to create a token for a partition of a single Inlong data stream, in minutes |
maxOutputFileSizeGb | N | 2 | Maximum size of a single HDFS file, in GB |
hiveJdbcUrl | Y | NA | Hive JDBC Path |
hiveDatabase | Y | NA | Hive Database |
hiveUsername | Y | NA | Hive Username |
hivePassword | Y | NA | Hive Password |
Configuration For Sort-Hive Task
- File name format: Sort task name +
. - Can read from the SortClusterConfig.conf source file in the ClassPath, but does not support live updates.
- Can be obtained from the HTTP interface of Inlong Manager, which supports real-time updates.
Configuration For sid_hive_inlong6th_v3.conf
Parameter | Required | Type | DefaultValue | Remark |
sortClusterName | Y | String | NA | inlong-sort-standalone Unique identifier of the cluster |
sortTaskId | Y | String | NA | Sort task name |
cacheZones | Y | JsonObject<String, JsonObject> | NA | Cache layer cluster list, format: Map<cacheClusterName, CacheCluster> |
Configuration For CacheCluster
Parameter | Required | Type | DefaultValue | Remark |
zoneName | Y | String | NA | Cache layer cluster name |
zoneType | Y | String | NA | Cache type: [pulsar,tube,kafka] |
serviceUrl | Y | String | NA | Pulsar's serviceUrl parameter, or Kafka's Broker list |
authentication | Y | String | NA | Pulsar Authentication |
cacheZoneProperties | N | Map<String,String> | NA | Cache layer Consumer parameters |
topics | N | List<Topic> | NA | List of topics consumed by the cache layer |
Configuration For Topic
Parameter | Required | Type | DefaultValue | Remark |
topic | Y | String | NA | Topic full name, Pulsar: tenant/namespace/topic |
partitionCnt | Y | Integer | NA | Number of Topic Partitions |
topicProperties | N | Map<String,String> | NA | Consumer parameters of cache layer topics |
Start inlong-sort-standalone Application
Finally, execute the script ./bin/sort-start.sh
to start the sort-standalone application.
You can then check the log file sort.log to confirm the startup status.